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EP Range CA Range HPC Tray Press TELP Handheld Special Purpose Machines
Cabinet Assembly

The CA (Cabinet Assembly) Range of presses simplifies and speeds up the complex assembly of square and rectangular cabinets. Using precision linear slides, the fast and fully automated size adjustment mechanism guarantees the squareness and accuracy of cabinet pressing normally associated with slow and labour intensive manual size adjustment. Fully adjustable clamping pressures gives the machine the ability to assemble mitre, comb or tenon joints.

As with all our machines, the RF power is completely automatic. Both power output and cure time can be calculated by the machine, ensuring that the pressing process is both efficient and fast. Fully programmable machine control means that the operator can adjust the press size at the touch of a button, enabling “just in time” production with sacrificing accuracy.

Quick release, interchangeable clamping blocks have the RF heating electrodes inbuilt allowing for easy cleaning, whilst wide pre-clamping opening makes for easy loading and unloading of cabinets.

Available in three sizes and also available without RF heating for stapling applications, the CA Range can benefit the production of cabinets in any application and in any material.

Cabinet Assembly Image 1Cabinet Assembly Image 2 Cabinet Assembly Image 3


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